nlmixr2 2.1.0/ rxode2 2.1.1

nlmixr2 2.1.0 was released 9 Jan 2024 which requires the newest (and recently released) engine packages nlmixr2est 2.2.0 (released 12 Dec 2023) and rxode2 2.0.10 (released 13 Dec 2023). I will be blogging about a few new features but want to mention a few now: More flexible mu referencing User defined functions can now be used with nlmixr2 and rxode2 Event handling changes Many new estimation methods for population only fitting The truncated changelog for these packages are below:

nonmem2rx and babelmixr2

nonmem2rx/babelmixr2 I am really excited to announce that the nlmixr2 team has released a new version of babelmixr2 and a new package nonmem2rx that allows you to convert NONMEM to rxode2 or even a nlmixr2 object. To install, simply upgrade babelmixr2 with: install.packages(c("nonmem2rx", "babelmixr2")) What you can do with nonmem2rx/babelmixr2 You can do many useful tasks directly converting between nlmixr2 and NONMEM models; you can: Convert a NONMEM model to a rxode2 model

nlmixr2 family releases

This is another release of a group of nlmixr2-related packages. Feature Highlights There are a few things I would like to highlight in this release: Highly requested feature(s) A much requested feature has been added for rxode2; Diagonal zeros in the omega and sigma matrices are treated as zeros in the model. The corresponding omega and sigma matrices drop columns/rows where the diagonals are zero to create a new omega and sigma matrix for simulation.

By the nlmixr2 Development Team in nlmixr2

April 14, 2023

Automated Reporting of nlmixr2 Fit Results in Word and PowerPoint

I’m happy to announce the initial release of nlmixr2rpt: a package designed to automate reporting of nlmixr2 results to Word and PowerPoint. The nlmixr2rpt package is attempting to save you time on the back-end of your analysis so you can focus on the analysis itself. There are three main issues we are attempting to address: Interoperability: While I am personally a fan of LaTeX, corporations tend to favor Word and PowerPoint.

babelmixr2, nlmixr2 and Monolix

As with NONMEM, it is important to be able to compare nlmixr2 to industry standard software like Monolix. With that , in mind, I am proud to announce the first nlmixr2 to Monolix translator in babelmixr2. As with NONMEM, while this has been done before, the method whereby we are converting between the two is novel and has some surprising advantages. How to use Monolix with nlmixr2 To use Monolix in nlmixr, you do not need to change your data or your nlmixr2 dataset.

By Matt Fidler and the nlmixr2 Development Team in babelmixr2

December 5, 2022